Remove bomgar jump client
Remove bomgar jump client

Keys "hklm\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\uninstall" of (native registry registry) Value "DisplayVersion" of it as string < "18.1.4")) (value "Publisher" of it as string as lowercase contains "bomgar" AND Relevance (besides the relevance that looks for Windows of Operating system, and relevance that looks for expected computer names) exists keys whose (value "DisplayName" of it as string starts with "Bomgar Jump Client" AND Waithidden cmd /C c:\windows\temp\BomgarJumpUninstall.bat run the batch file to do the cleanup and removal of old Bomgar Jump versions (or all Bomgar Jump versions in our case)


The code that I’m trying to use to find the uninstall strings and build up an Appendfile with the potentially many (depending on number of older versions found) currently looks like this: // code below looks for the uninstall strings, builds a file that contains the commands and strings needed to perform the uninstallsĪppendfile _BomgarJumpUninstall.bat Of keys "hklm\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\uninstall" of Value "DisplayVersion" of it as string < "18.1.4" Value "Publisher" of it as string as lowercase contains "bomgar" Value "DisplayName" of it as string starts with "Bomgar Jump Client" The relevance for finding the devices that have the older versions is working well, which looks like this: exists keys

remove bomgar jump client

I’m looking to uninstall older versions of the Bomgar Jump client from endpoints.

Remove bomgar jump client